Mid-Dec 2024 Release Notes
Along with moving Maryland and Oregon labs onto Metrc V2, here's a summary of the updates we've made recently to wrap up the 2024 year!
- Metrc V2 for OR & MD Labs:Metrc Labs in Oregon and Maryland are now supported by the METRC V2 API. Labs in these states should not see any changes or interruptions to service. We are actively monitoring METRC's V1 API deprecation dates across all states, and will ensure all remaining states are migrated to V2 well before the announced deadlines. Stay tuned!
- Sample Profile now hides untested boxes: The Sample Profile Page will now hide the Terpenes & Cannabinoids test boxes for samples that are not tested for either assay. More support for non-cannabis samples to come in 2025!

- Fixed a bug on the Clients Pagethat was preventing Lab admins from removing client licenses.
- Fixed a bug that was erroneously requiring Labs to re-verify data when selecting Submit to Metrcin theOrder Actionsmenu.
Thank you for a fantastic year! We at Confident look forward to sharing what we have in store for our Labs & Clients in 2025. Our team will be available during the holidays for urgent requests. If you need help, please email and our on-call team will get back to you. Wishing you a happy holidays!